Plastic bags also pose a serious danger to birds and marine mammals that often mistake them for food. Thousands die each year after swallowing or choking on discarded plastic bags.
Finally, producing plastic bags requires millions of gallons of petroleum that could be used for transportation or heating.
Some businesses have stopped offering their customers plastic bags, and many communities are either considering a ban on plastic bags or have already implemented one.
The plastic bags you bring home from the supermarket probably end up in a landfill. Every year, more than 500 billion plastic bags are distributed, and less than 3% of those bags are recycled. They are typically made of polyethylene and can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade in landfills that emit harmful greenhouse gases. Reducing your contribution to plastic-bag pollution is as simple as using a cloth bag (or one made of biodegradable plant-based materials) instead of wasting plastic ones. For your next trip to the grocery store.
It touches me way back to my homeland. When I was walking, I feel so very hot and everybody is talking about "climate change". It bothers me a lot when I went to Singapore. They doesn't have resources. So what they do is to use, reuse and recycle plastics. Even the water they drink is came from the refilled toilet water and some from the countries neighborhood.
I wonder how lucky we are, we compose of Islands and Islets. The water is enough for us but what we do is we destroying it. This is the first thing that comes to my mind when I came to this country. Pilipinos dont care about plastic, trash, etc, and throw it to anywhere else particulary to all bodies of water.
I cried like a baby when I saw the news paper talking about poor pilipinos all over the world and when I was air borne. So, I made a stand,I can give my pride as a Pilipino, that we, Pilipino people are uniting to beat the greenhouse effect and we are doing it. Luckily I found something and I belive that this is the best way to show it..
If you do end up using plastic bags now and then, be sure to recycle them. Many grocery stores now collect plastic bags for recycling. If yours doesn't, check with your community recycling program to learn how to recycle plastic bags in your area.
Now, Pilipinos will stand like Singaporeans "USE, REUSE, RECYCLE...............
What's bad about plastic bags???

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